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Bond D - Vote November 6th

Bond D - Vote November 6th [article image]

When: Tue, Nov 06 2018 7:00am - Tue, Nov 06 2018 7:00pm 

Where: Vote at your local voting area and don't forget you can vote on campus or at

THIS NOVEMBER, voters have the opportunity to provide New Mexico's colleges, universities and specialty schools with the ability to ensure students have the resources they need to get an education and succeed - helping our state realize a brighter future!

For more information on how the will benefit UNM and you: check out the flyer or visit the website.  Or, for general information try the main website.

Local Allocation:

BERNALILLO .................... $30,950,000

Central New Mexico Community College .............. $7,500,000

The University of New Mexico             ................$22,800,000

Southwestern Indian Polytechnic institute ........... $650,000


Absentee Voting Begins:

October 9

Early Voting Begins: 

October 20

Election Day:

November 6 

7 A.M. to 7 P.M.

Don't forget you can vote on Campus:

Absentee Location:

SUB Mall Level by the Welcome Desk / 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Election Day Locations:

Student Residence Center Commons / 9:00 am - 7:00 pm
Student Union Building / Main Level / 9:00 am - 7:00 pm
Zimmerman Library / 9:00 am - 7:00 pm

Polling locations and times are subject to change.  Please check the Daily Lobo advertisement for the up-to-date times and locations.

For more information on voting and registration: Voter Info

Find your voting area and times (including early voting): map

Link: UNM Bonds